Morixe Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A match
made in heaven.

The first olive trees to be grown in the Nuevo Cuyo region of Northwest Argentina were planted by spanish Conquistadores.
They were so impressed by the quality of their fruit that they were afraid it would surpass that of those grown in Spain, and thus decided to abandon the groves. One of those trees remained and is still standing 400 years later, as if to symbolize that the soil of Nuevo Cuyo and the olive tree were a match made in heaven.


Native sap
of the Nuevo Cuyo

Olive harvesting and olive soil production have evolve more in the last few years than in the previews 200 hundred. This is due in large part to the new extraction technologies. But most of all to a consciousness about the importance that the correct treatment of each phase of the production has on the final quality of the oil.

Morixe is a young oil created during the new age of olive culture. The men and women who control ist quality from the moment of propagation until the oil is bottled, carry out its production under careful scrutiny.

It is the combination of oils coming from different varieties of olives, that determines the characteristics of an extra virgin olive oil. To ensure the proper representation of each oil, it is necessary to guarantee the stability of each olive variety. Morixe has its own greenhouse, San Gabriel. It is there that the propagation of varieties originating from certified mother plants are conducted. Each variety receives individual care, and at the right moment it is transplanted to its proper parcel.

Varieties from the old continent such as Arbequina, Barnea, Picual, Mission, Sirio and Leccino, are all grown in the Liliana and San Gabriel farms. However, it is the particular nuances that they acquire in the Nuevo Cuyo region that give Morixe oil its unique personality. This is likely due to the fact that these varieties had never before been adapted to territories with such extreme and rich climactic conditions.

The new cultivation land stands out in the middle of the desert that bears the brunt of the long summer of La Rioja. The intense sun elevates the temperature, even during the brief winter season. Clear and open skies give way to the greatest amount of sunlight in Argentina.Virgin soil, with all its virtues intact, is drop irrigated with water rich in minerals. The water is extracted from 300-foot deep streams that comes from the Andes Mountains and provide a steady supply of water at a constant temperature throughout the year.

Constant winds, of a variable speed, descend from the high peaks to clash with the desert heat and create gusts of up to 75 miles per hour. The wind not only regulates the temperature, but also cleans the crops and keeps them free of plagues and impurities. The region´s location, far away from cities, industries, or other pollutants, as well as the clean agriculture method used, minimize the impact on the environment and keep intact the natural properties of the region. The virtues of this land, in turn, are transferred to the final product.

The result is an excellent extra virgin olive oil, produced only with selected top quality olives subject to strict control and artisan production.

The new cultivation land stands out in the middle of the desert that bears the brunt of the long summer of La Rioja. The intense sun elevates the temperature, even during the brief winter season. Clear and open skies give way to the greatest amount of sunlight in Argentina.Virgin soil, with all its virtues intact, is drop irrigated with water rich in minerals. The water is extracted from 300-foot deep streams that comes from the Andes Mountains and provide a steady supply of water at a constant temperature throughout the year.

Constant winds, of a variable speed, descend from the high peaks to clash with the desert heat and create gusts of up to 75 miles per hour. The wind not only regulates the temperature, but also cleans the crops and keeps them free of plagues and impurities. The region´s location, far away from cities, industries, or other pollutants, as well as the clean agriculture method used, minimize the impact on the environment and keep intact the natural properties of the region. The virtues of this land, in turn, are transferred to the final product.

The result is an excellent extra virgin olive oil, produced only with selected top quality olives subject to strict control and artisan production.

Near the end of February in the southern hemisphere, the different varieties start achieving their optimal maturity. For Morixe Olive Oil, olives are handpicked, the best harvesting method to get perfectly healthy fruit. Only fruit from the trees is washed for grinding. At the Liliana farm, adjacent to the olive trees is the company´s oil mill where the oil is extracted by centrifugation and stored in stainless steel tanks, at a constant temperature, until it is bottled. The result is an extra virgin olive oil produced only with olives form our own farms, Liliana and San Gabriel. Where each harvest is subject to strict quality control, as evidenced but the limited number of bottles destined to the commercial markets.

During the workday one can se the workers who care for the olive trees lean against the tree due to the wind, or cover their heads with a white handkerchief to shield themselves from the intense sun.However, during a calm evening, when the wind takes a rest and the sky adopts a bluish hue, the silence is so profound one can almost hear the earth speaking. The hard work of the people that make it and the magic of its native land may be the secrets behind Morixe extra Virgin Oil, the taste from a land where the world begins anew.

The sun of the Famatina Valley and the magic of its homeland are the secrets behind Morixe extra virgin oil, the flavor of a land where the world begins anew.


The healthy
extra virgin habit:

Extra virgin olive oil is an essential component of a healthy diet. It is a juice that preserves the vitamins, antioxidants, and virtues of the fruit it comes from, and it is the only vegetable fat that can be consumed directly, as it is. The benefits of integrating it into your daily diet, as a replacement for saturated fats are numerous as they are important:

- Healthy Fats
- Contribute to preventing obesity
- Optimal frying
- Heart disease prevention
- Antioxidant effect
- Benefits for digestive system
- Vitamin A,C and D
- Helps with absorption of calcium
- Skin health and beauty


El hábito saludable
extra virgen:

Azeite extravirgem é um componente essencial de uma dieta saudável. É um óleo espremido que preserva as vitaminas, antioxidantes e virtudes da fruta de onde provém, e é a única gordura vegetal que pode ser consumida diretamente, exatamente como ela é. Os benefícios de integrá-lo à sua dieta diária, como um substituto para gorduras saturadas, são numerosos:

- Gorduras saudáveis
- Contribuir para a prevenção da obesidade
- Fritura ideal
- Prevenção de doenças cardíacas
- Efeito antioxidante
- Benefícios para o sistema digestivo
- Vitamina A, C e D
- Ajuda na absorção de cálcio
- Saúde e beleza da pele